Sunday, March 21, 2010

Back to Europe

PODRÓŻ ...praktycznie nie kończy sie nigdy, bo taśma pamięci kręci się w nas dalej. (R.Kapuściński)

After being in New York for two weeks; meeting interesting people and getting everyone involved in Kids in Action Project; the Traveling Exhibition will be back in Europe.

We would like to thank you for your support, time and interest in the photographic project. We could not do it without you! Our special thanks to the new Kids in Action Photographers in Baltimore and New York City and thanks to our family and friends for their hard work and for believing in our project.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Traveling Exhibition at the IC in NY

The International Center of New York opened their doors for The Traveling Exhibition through Kids in Action Project. The students were able to see the exhibition and to learn about the project through Marzena presentation. It was definitely a great evening seeing everyone interested in knowing more about the young photographers and their communities.

We would like to say thank you, gracias, dziekuję, gracie, obrigado......................! for sharing this moment with us and for your interest in Kids in Action Project!

Thank you for sharing your photos with me, my city and my country. Please do not put your cameras down EVER. Your images, your stories, your world is important for us. We maybe from different countries and speak different languages, BUT WE ARE ALL PART OF THE SAME WORLD...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

International Center in New York. Share your world!

You are invited to unique traveling photo exhibition, this Thursday, March 18, from 6-8 PM at the International Center in New York, 50 West 23rd Street, on the 7th Floor.

Come and share your world by bringing a picture from “your world” and with this we will make a unique map for our young photographers.

We'll be waiting!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Our thanks!

With exceptional guests and a very warming reception, the Traveling Exhibition was a great opportunity to connect people and places around the world through photography.

We would like to thank you all for coming tonight and made it a very special night. Special thanks for our young photographers and congratulations for their amazing work!

Kids in Action Exhibition

Kids in Action Project was pleased to held the Traveling Exhibition at the Sintir Restaurant tonight. The exhibition was an opoortunity to show the work done by our young photographers in New York; Ola, Karolina, Aleena and Angelina.

Kids in Action in Baltimore

After our successful Kids in Action Exhibition in Tompkins Park, NYC, we were invited to come to Baltimore in Maryland and show the Traveling Exhibition at the John Ruhrah Elementary Middle School. The students were amazing about the photographs and pretty soon decided to get involved and used their creativity with the cameras. We had a wonderful time meeting great people, talent artists and even playing soccer!
We would like to thank everyone and especially our new Kids in Action Photographers; Martha Laura(12), Eddie (12), Letizia, Jinette (11), Rulen (11), Leslie (12), Isis (13), Sara (13), Edwin(10), Yara, Hector... all from Baltimore

Thanks again and see you soon!

Monday, March 8, 2010

You kids keep on rockin' this!

...because at the end of the day art and making there of, (whether or not it makes you rich and famous) is food for your soul! You can't place a price on that. May God bless you as you have blessed us...
Font Unique Expo Diary -Markey Hayden Bena
3/7/10 New York, Thompkins Sq. Park


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Family and Friends

We would like to thank our family and friends for all their efforts and for believe in our young artists thorugh the Kids in Action Project. Thanks again and God Bless You!

Music to the ears!

We would like to thank __________ for sharing their talents at the Traveling Exhibition in Tompkins Square Park.

The Traveling Exhibition in NYC - Tompkins Square Park

Since the Kids in Action Project started in Chunchi, Ecuador, the Traveling Exhibition has been presented around the world, having stopped in Jaslo and Warsaw, Poland; and finally it has arrived in NYC.

The Exhibition took place at Tompkins Square Park in NYC, and has the objetive to present to the pubic the photographs taken through the eyes of the child.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Una Exposicion Unica at Tompkins Square Park in NYC!

The Traveling Exhibition is coming to NYC in Tompkins Square Park. Come to see the amazing photographic project developed with kids in the community of Chunchi in Ecuador; Jaslo, Warsaw in Poland.

Let's meet under the roof of the beautiful sky.
Kids in Acthon Exhibition
Tompkins Square Park, March 7, 2010

Don't miss it!

Tompkins Square Park!

Spotkajmy sie pod wielkim dachem nieba.

Tompkins Square Park N.Y.C. zaczynamy o 10 i bedziemy tam do pieknego zachodu slonca- CHUNCHI.

Przez góry, morza i oceany.....

...dotarliśmy do miasta, które zawsze potrzebuje nowych, artystycznych talentów i niezwykłych wydarzeń kultularnych ;)

Una Exposicion Unica a NOWYM JORKU!

Over the mountains and across the ocean...

...we arrived in the city, which is always in need of new artistic talents and unique cultural events;) Una Exposicion Unica in NEW YORK!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wystawa rusza dalej.....

Stojący w porcie statek jest bezpieczny, ale statków nie buduje sie po to aby staly w portach.

Grace Hopper

Podobnie jest z wystawami :)

The exposition continues its travels...

A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.

Grace Hopper.

The same goes for expositions:)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Nasz świat- fotoreportaż w Jaśle.

Wystawa "Mój swiat. Ekwador...." a za nią akcja "Nasz świat...." i kolej na Jasło oraz okolice. Krótka relacja z dwóch niepowtarzalnych dni 02.03.2010- 03.03.2010.

Przyszedłem na wystawę i po obejrzeniu zdjęć, które bardzo mi sie podobały, dostałem aparat i miałem robić zdjęcia. Napstrykałem więc kilka zdjęć, które chyba zobaczycie - napisał Karol l.13 ze Szkoly Nr2 w Jaśle. To dziadownia, elegancik, przedwojenny budynek, przysypane śniegiem wisienki, może im się spodobają - opowiadała o swoich zdjęciach Priscilla.

Rano (03.03.10), odwiedzili nas i dostarczyli świeży materiał, fotoreporterzy z Piotra Skargi : Aneta l. 15 , Karolina l.14 , Ania l.14, Dawid l.15, Sebastian l.16, Mateusz l.16, Grzegorz l.17, Michał l.16. Razem z Grupą Sokół zastanawialiśmy się po co ta fotografia? Daniel, Dariusz, Karol, Rafał - dziekuję Wam za tą ciekawą, twórczą rozmowę.

Jeszcze przed zachodem słońca Julita l.9, Kacper l.11, Paweł l.13, Szymon l.11, Krystian l.12 uchwycili w kadr pagórkowate, wolickie okolice i kryjące sie za (na:) drzewami - ich tajemnice:)

Po co? Dlaczego? (Porque?, Para que?) ż towarzyszą nam te pytania.
Może, jak powiedział Rafał "zdjęcia robi sie po to, żeby mieć co wspominać". Po ilości i jakości zebranego materiału, śmiało, mogę powiedzieć, że będziemy mieli co wspominać! Oprócz fotografii jest też wiele rysunków i malunków pokazujacych WASZ ŚWIAT (Mali odkrywcy:)
A co z tymi, którzy nie podjęli się wyzwania i nie zrobili ani jednego zdjecia? Odpowiedzią niech będzie wypowiedź Mateusza, który, pierwszego dnia powiedział : "Nie zrobiłem ani jednego zdjęcia i nic mi sie nie podobało, ale uśmiechnąłem sie dziś dużo razy, dziesieć razy, pozdrawiam Was".
Właśnie dla tego jednego uśmiechu - WARTO- zaufać, podzielić sie chwilą swojego czasu, zaryzykować i może trochę krócej pospać :) (dla tego jednego, a czego nie robi się dla dziesięciu:)

JESTEŚCIE SUPER(to pewnie przez to górskie powietrze, jak mawiała moja babcia:)

p.s. Wasze zdjęcia już za chwilę ruszają w dalszą podróż, niektórzy znają już tajemnicę;)Tych którzy są ciekawi GDZIE NASTĘPNY PRZYSTANEK zapraszam do śledzenia kolejnych wiadomości....
tu można zobaczyć dużo zdjęć:

Our world - photo report from Jasło

The exhibit “My world. Ecuador.. ." and the following action ”Our world…- the time is for Jasło and the surroundings. The short reportage from the two unique days 02.03.2010 – 03.03.2010:
I came to see the exhibit and after watching the photographs, which I liked a lot, I received the camera and I have been told to take the pictures. “I took few shots that you are going to see” – wrote Karol (13) from the School nr.2 in Jaslo. That is the second shop, the dandy, a prewar building, the covered with snow cherry trees; maybe people will like them”, related about her pictures Priscilla.

In the morning (03.03.2010), they came to visit us and they brought the fresh stuff, the young photojournalists from Piotr Skarga : Aneta (15) , Karolina (14) , Ania (14), Dawid (15), Sebastian (16), Mateusz (16), Grzegorz (17), Michał (16). Together with the group Sokol, we were wondering what’s the purpose of this Photography is. Daniel, Dariusz, Karol, Rafał – thank you for this interesting and creative conversation.

Even before the sunshine Julita (9), Kacper (11), Paweł (13), Szymon (11), Krystian (12), they captured the hilly surroundings of Wolice and their mysterious stories, hidden behind the trees;)

Why? For What? (Porque?, Para que?) , we hear these questions all time.
Maybe, as said Pawel, we make these photographs in order to preserve the memory of something. After the quantity and the quality of what we had captures, I can say, without hesitating, that we will have a lot to memorize. Beside the photography, there is alos a lot of drawings and different pictures, which show YOUR WORLD (small discoverers). And what with those, who did not challenge the project and did not take any photograph? Here is Mateusz’ answer, who said the first day: “I have not taken any pictures and there was nothing that I really liked, but I smiled today many times, maybe ten times and I greet all of you”.
And for this one smile, it is worth to trust, to share this one unbelievable moment of our time, take the risk and maybe to sleep a little less that usually;). For this one smile, and what we can do for ten of them?
Thank you to all of you!!!!! GRACIAS A TODOS!!!!!!!!! You are wonderful (this is probably because of this mountainous fresh air, as was saying my grandmother ;)
P.S. Right now, your pictures are moving to a further trip, some of you know already the where:) Those of you, who want to discover the next stop of our voyage, I invite to follow the future news that are going to appear soon on our blog…Here you can see a lot of photographs…
Monday, March 1, 2010
We are in Jaslo